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Home Learning Study Materials Viideo Std 9 DD Girnar/DikshaPortal Video

Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a leading state level institution for enhancing quality education in state and state level primary and secondary schools.

The Upgraded SCERT, now known as the Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT), is a fully-fledged state-level educational institution and is managed and guided by a board of directors as well as an executive committee.


Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was established in AD 1969 on 21st October. Since 38 year mandals main target. High quality textbooks are published and to Gujarat students they're easily available at reasonable prices.

With health officials anticipating large portions of the nation’s population becoming infected within the coming months, Bacow said the choice to postpone was the sole thanks to help make sure the safety of the thousands of members of the Harvard community who gather on campus for Commencement Exercises each May.

To improve primary, secondary and higher level course for it researches are conducted and it is encouraged.

Gujarat Virtual Shala Live Class Std 9 
Gujarat Virtual Shala Online Class For 9 to 12 | Gujarat e-Class : Gujarat Virtual School: Children in the COVID-19 epidemic are studied by Gujarat Education Department through Home Learning. Students can watch home learning videos through Gujarat E-Class YouTube channel. Tests Online tests are also organized for students of Std. 9th to 12th, below is the information on how students can appear in the online exam. So please send this message to all students so that the maximum number of students can take part in this exam.

Gujarat Virtual Shala Online Class  9.Sea education includes courses from pre-primary education to standard 12. With the broad goal of improving school effectiveness, everyone gets excellent education and the same opportunities for schooling and equal learning outcomes are taken into account. Samgra Shiksha includes three pre-schemes of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) and Shikshak Shikshan (Te).

Gujarat Virtual Shala Online Class  9.All schools were declared closed by the government at the time of the COVID-19 epidemic. Under this, a home learning program has been started by the government. In this program, Samudra Shiksha of the Gujarat State Government has tried to connect the students through live broadcasts through virtual classes so that the students feel that they are studying in the classroom. In which very good cooperation has been received from the students.

Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by Samagra Shiksha. You can watch a live broadcast of our live class via the media link below. If you have an opinion, please let us know. Please share this video with relevant student friends around you.
Gujarat Virtual Shala Online Class STD-9
Samagra Shiksha - an overarching programme for the school education sector extending from pre-school to class 12 ).The vision of the Scheme is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education from pre-school to higher secondary stage. In Gujarat State, this Centrally Sponsored Scheme is being implemented by Gujarat Council of School Education (GCSE), Samagra Shiksha (SS).

State has launched digital/remote learning for continued education is being imparted as under 
• TV channels - "HOME LEARNING" has been launched on 15th June, 2020 to conduct digital/remote learning for continued education for Grade I - XII is being imparted through Doordarshan local TV Channel DD GIRNAR.  
• Gujarat Virtual Shala (GVS) has also been launched on 21st July, 2020 through Live Streaming of sessions on YouTube Live, Facebook Live, Microsoft Teams Live, DIKSHA & Jio TV for the students of Secondary & Higher Secondary Level. 

The government has released a list of various e-learning portals for those interested in primary, secondary, senior secondary, undergraduate and postgraduate level. Diksha - The National Digital Infrastructure for Teachers is a step towards ensuring holistic education for both teachers and students. The digital learning app has been directed to access and create a comprehensive learning environment where both teachers and students can thrive.


Gujarat Virtual Shala Live Class Std 9 Join Link:

Gujarat Virtual Shala Live Class Std 9 
Welcome to the virtual class of Std-9 to 12 under the Home Learning Program by Samagra Shiksha. You can watch a live broadcast of our live class via the media link below. If you have an opinion, please let us know. Please share this video with relevant student friends around you.

Dear Visitors, We Every day Refresh My Website www.kamalking.in All Training News,Education Paripatra, Bharti, School Paripatra, Current Issues, Ujavani Paripatra, Application, TET/TAT/HTAT Material And Mp3 Gk. We Likewise Give ShaalaKosh, New Plan Paripatra, Exam Paripatra, CCC Exam News, Result Paripatra.Stay Connected My Website www.kamalking.in

Home Learning Study Materials video Std 9 DD Girnar/Diksha portalVideo



STD-9 21/6/2020 SCIENCE

 For primary secondary and higher medium standard students for prepared for complementary reading.
Primary, Secondary and Higher Education progress and quality improvement assistance and to give it force.


Primary, Secondary and Higher Education progress and quality improvement assistance and to give it force.

Gujarat is a leading state of India in terms of education, innovation and economic growth. This has happened as a result of implementing successful models for socio-economic growth which have consistently set new benchmarks in the fields of governance, investment promotion and infrastructure development among many others.

The growth model followed by Gujarat has exhibited excellence in innovation and has shown immense potential for inclusive growth and development for the coming years. Like Vibrant Gujarat, which was aimed at attracting and inviting global conglomerates to come to India and invest in Gujarat. The success of this model is evident from the influx of major automakers who have set up operations in the state as well as many other industries that are in the process of doing the same. This has displayed a healthy trajectory of establishing industrial supremacy which is only set to grow in the coming years. Even historically, the state of Gujarat is well regarded as the home for many successful entrepreneurs who found their start-up in the state.

Gujarat being home to some of the oldest universities of the country, has always maintained a dedicated focus towards education whilst also establishing itself as an industry oriented state.