IN THIS PAGE YOU CAN READ/DOWNLOAD ALL DAILY NEWS PAPERS AND GUJARATI E-MAGAZINES.Gujarati News app – All Gujarati Newspaper India All Gujarat’s Gujarati News Papers Read In Your Mobile And Get your Mobile
List of Gujarati newspapers and Gujarati news sites including Gujarat Samachar, Divya Bhaskar, Sandesh, Akila, Gujarat Samachar, Sanj Samachar, and NavGujarat Samay etc…
I. Lead sentence
Grab and hook your reader right away.
II. Introduction
Which facts and figures will ground your story? You have to tell your readers where and when this story is happening.
III. Opening quotation
What will give the reader a sense of the people involved and what they are thinking?
IV. Main body
What is at the heart of your story?
V. Closing quotation
Find something that sums the article up in a few words.
VI. Conclusion (optional—the closing quote may do the job)
Google News is a smart news app that organizes what’s happening in the world to help you learn more about the stories that matter to you.
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All Gujarat’s Gujarati News Papers Read In Your Mobile. Gujarati News | All Gujarati Newspaper India | divy bhaskar news | sandes news |
Gujarati News Papers and News Sites.
•Today's e-paper read on particular news paper and magazine official website via our kamal king Website so you can click on its image and go to official website and read carefully. we are not responcibal for any types of objecion or error.
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Most newspaper articles break down into two categories:
You will also find opinion pieces, like editorials and book and movie reviews. But this lesson deals strictly with news and feature articles.
Here’s how you can tell the difference between a news story and a feature story.
News articles cover the basics of current events. They answer the questions: who, what, where, how, and when?
Feature articles are longer and more in depth than regular news articles. They cover one subject from multiple angles and are written in a more creative, entertaining format. Although a news story can be creative and entertaining, too. Check out the examples below.
It is important to remember that both news and features demand the same level of research and reporting.
The Basic Story Outline
The best way to structure a newspaper article is to first write an outline. Review your research and notes. Then jot down ideas for the following six sections. Remember, this is just a foundation upon which to build your story.
Read examples of news and feature articles from the Scholastic Kids Press Corps. Read them all, then write your own articles modeled after them.
What is a memorable way to end your story? The end quote is a good way to sum things up. That doesn’t always work. If you are quoting more than one person with different points of view in your story, you cannot end with a quote from just one of them. Giving one of your interviewees the last word can tilt the story in their favor. In this age of the Internet, you can also end your story with a link to more information or even your own behind-the-scenes blog post.
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