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CAG Recruitment 2021 | CAG 10811 Auditor And Accountant Recruitment 2021

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CAG Recruitment 2021 | CAG 10811 Auditor And Accountant Recruitment 2021

CAG Recruitment 2021

CAG Recruitment 2021: Inviting comments on the proposed Recruitment Rules to the post of Auditor/Accountant, Level 5 in pay matrix. Indian Audit and Accounts Department proposes to amend Recruitment Rules (RRs) to the posts of Auditor/Accountant, In terms of DoPT OM No. AB-14017/61/2008-Estt.(RR) dated 13.10.2015, draft Notification and Schedule have been uploaded to the website of the C&AG of India for comments on the proposed Notification and Schedule of Recruitment Rules from all stake holders in the following format.

CAG Recruitment 2021: It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for jobs in CAG.

For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age Criteria, Selection Mode, Important Date and other Eligibility process please read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying.

Post Name:: No. Of Postz, Salary
Auditor:: 6409, 29200 – 92300/-
Accountant:: 4402, 29200 – 92300/-

State Name:: Auditor Posts-Accounts Posts

Andhra Pradesh (AP):: 144-120
Arunachal Pradesh:: 29-24
Assam:: 106-180
Bihar:: 180-174
Chhattisgarh:: 139-102
Delhi:: 513-Nil
Goa:: 29-Nil
Gujarat:: 225-180
Haryana:: 117-137
Himachal Pradesh:: 97-120
Jammu & Kashmir:: 132-150
Jharkhand:: 125-108
Karnataka:: 242-246
Kerala:: 208-384
Madhya Pradesh:: 251-269
Maharashtra:: 277-336
Manipur:: 27-60
Meghalaya:: 26-54
Mizoram:: 20-36
Nagaland:: 23-30
Odissa:: 179-240
Punjab:: 208-168
Rajasthan:: 234-144
Sikkim:: 16-18
Tamil Nadu:: 306-288
Telangana:: 220-132
Tripura:: 34-54
Uttrakhand:: 70-90
Uttar Pradesh:: 289-330
West Bengal:: 430-228

Commercial Audit Offices:: 486-Nil
Railway Audit Offices:: 427-Nil
Defence Audit Offices:: 255-Nil
P&T Audit Offices:: 303-Nil
Regional Training Offices:: 42-Nil

Total:: 6409-4402

Education Qualification::
Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University.
Language proficiency for the language specified, and at the level as prescribed and to be tested, for the State in which the vacancies exist and recruitment is to take place, in the office of State Accountants General.

Age Limit::
18-27 years.

Note: The crucial date for determining the age-limit shall be as advertised by the authority making recruitment.

Application Fees::
There is No Application Fees

Note: Before Apply Please Read Official Advertisement For Desirable Qualification Or Other Terms & Condition.

Selection Process::
Selection will be based on Written Examination/Interview.




How To Apply::

Interested candidates may apply this in prescribed application form along with self attested all relevant documents send to
Shri V S Venkatanathan,
Asstt. C &AG (N),
O/o the C&AG of India,
9, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
New Delhi- 110124

Important Date::
Last Date For Submission of Application Form: 19.02.2021