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How to download TikTok after the ban in India

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How to download TikTok after the ban in India

How to download TikTok after the ban in India

Today we are going to tell you how to download TikTok after the ban in India, If you also want to run the Tik Tok App then you are reading the right post. 

On social media, you must have seen how many kinds of short videos is being shared nowadays. If you also like to act, you can also create your own very best video on it and share it on social media. 

With this help, you can make money by making videos. This app has become so popular that so far it has been downloaded by 100 million people. There are so many features in it that can make your video even better.

What is the Tik Tok App?

This is a Short Video Creating App. With this help, you can make a short video of 15 seconds. It's Musically's Only Update Version. Musically changed its name to Tik Tok in its new update.

You can add any song in it. You can also add Dialogue, Effect to it. Also, Duet can create videos too. You can also follow any other friend and other users.

Tik Tok is a Chinese Music Video Platform and Social Networking Platform. You can share it with your friends on social media.  Tik Tok was created by Zhang Yiming in September 2016and it has 150 million users using it daily.

How to download TikTok after the ban in India