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GPSC Updates on 15-11-2018

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GPSC Updates on 15-11-2018

GPSC Updates on 15-11-2018

Final Answer Key, Advt No. 26/2018-19, Pathologist, Class-1

Final Answer Key, Advt No. 25/2018-19, Paediatrician, Class-1

Final Answer Key, Advt No. 24/2018-19, Gynaecologist, Class-1

Final Answer Key, Advt No. 18/2018-19, Deputy Director of Prohibition and Excise, Class-1

Syllabus for, Psychiatrist, Class-1, Advertisement No:-107/2018-19

Syllabus for, Radiologist, Class-1, Advertisement No:-106/2018-19

Syllabus for, E.N.T. Surgeon, Class-1, Advertisement No:-105/2018-19

Syllabus for, Pathologist, Class-1, Advertisement No:-104/2018-19

Syllabus for, Microbiologist, Class-1, Advertisement No:-103/2018-19

Recruitment Rules for, Advertisement No:-103/2018-19 to Advertisement No:-107/2018-19

List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny(Revised),Advt No. 70/2015-16,Lecturer, Computer Engineering in Government Polytechnic, GES, Class-2

Detailed Advertisements of Advt. No.103/2018-19 to 107/2018-19 for the Various post of Specialist, Class-1 in Health and Medical Services

Newspaper Format Advertisement for Online Advertisements from Advt. No. 100/2018-19 to 110/2018-19 starting from 15.11.2018 13:00 to 30.11.2018 13:00

Final Result of Advt No.56/2017-18, Lecturer, SwasthaVritta, Guj. Ayurved Service, Class-2

Final Result of Advt No.54/2017-18, Lecturer, Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Guj. Ayurved Service, Class-2

Final Result of Advt No.50/2017-18, Lecturer, Samhita Siddhant, Class-2

List of Eligible Candidates for Interview, Advt No. 96/2015-16,Assist Professor, Electronics & Communication Engineering in Govt Engg College, GES, Class-2