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GSEB GUJCET Official Provisional Answer Key 2018

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GSEB GUJCET Official Provisional Answer Key 2018

Gujarat Secondary & Higher Secondary Board (GSEB) has published Official Provisional Answer key for Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) Examination, 2018, Check below for more details.

All the candidates who had appeared for the examinations can check the answer keys through the official website. Over 1.35 lakh candidates had appeared for the Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) examinations at 34 centres across the state of Gujarat.

Though many students skipped the examination, nearly 350 candidates appeared for all the four exams of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics, for admissions to engineering and medical courses. In the first session on Physics and Chemistry, which was conducted from 10 am to 12 noon, 1,34,979 students appeared for the exam out of a total of 1,36,498 applications.  Around 73,171 students took the second session of the test, on Biology, out of 74,048 candidates. In the last session which was on Mathematics, out of the 62,761 registered candidates, only 61,981 took the exam.

Exam Name: Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) Examination, 2018

Official Answer key: Click Here

Last Date to Send Suggestion (S) to Board: 29/04/2018 (till 05:00 PM)

Email ID: gujcet2018@gmail.com

Suggestion Fee (Each Question): Rs. 500/-

From 2017, the state government made GujCET compulsory for admissions in engineering, pharmacy and diploma courses. The Gujarat government opted out of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) that is conducted by the CBSE on the ground that Gujarati-medium students were not able to do well in JEE.

Last year, out of 1.34 lakh registered candidates, 1.32 lakh appeared for Physics and Chemistry examination which was a combined paper while for pharmacy colleges, 67,963 students appeared in Biology out of 68,983 registered number. Mathematics exam witnessed 66890 students who appeared out of 67,814 registered candidates