SEB GCC (Type/ Steno ) Notification 2017
State Education Board (SEB) of Gujarat published notification forGCC (Type / Steno) Examination - July , 2017. This exam will be held on June - July 2017 at various place of Gujarat.
▶Examination Name:
GCC (Typing / Steno) Exam
▶Educational Qualification:
SSC or equivalent Examination
▶Fee: As on Advt.
▶▶How to apply: Interested and eligible candidates can apply online for above said posts.
🔹Important Date:
▶Online application start from: 29/05/2017
▶Last date of online application: 09/06/2017
▶Last date for submissions fee: 12/06/2017
▶Hall Ticket Download date: 22/06/2017 to 28/6/2017
▶Steno Exam and Type exam: 28/06/2017 to 01/07/2017
🔹Important link:
▶▶Exam pattern:
▶▶Marks Pattern :
Click Here
▶▶View official notification here.
▶▶Apply online