LIC Kanyadan Policy (LIC Children Plan)
Benefits of LIC Kanyadan Policy – Premium Charges & Policy Chart
In today’s time, it is not enough to save up for the marriage of your daughter. If you think it is sufficient to plan for your daughter’s marriage then you are not on the right track. Indeed, it is better to plan something that can provide her financial security for her education, marriage and other special milestones in her life. Relieve yourself from the planning of school, college fees, her upbringing and marriage. This policy will protect your child from any unseen future or dangerous event.
Your daughter is precious and hence she deserves a priceless gift for her entire lifetime.
- With this policy, you can gift financial freedom to your daughter.
- Even if your parents are not around, this kanyadan policy will always accompany you.
- This policy guarantees lifetime financial independence to your child, even after her marriage.
- Premiums have to be paid only for a short duration- such as paying once, 6, 10, 15 or for 20 years.
This policy is a gift that will last for her lifetime.
Key features LIC Kanyadan Policy
Specially designed for the daughter’s marriage, this policy has following important features:
- If in any case the father expires, the premium of the policy is waved off.
- Immediate 10 L on accidental demise.
- Immediate 5 L on non-accidental demise.
- 50,000 every year till maturity year.
- Maturity amount on maturity.
NRI’s can opt for this plan without even visiting India, from wherever they live. This policy also refelects the features of
Narendra modi‘s Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.
Benefits of LIC Kanyadan policy
- This policy is a unique blend is a whole life plan+ money back plan.
- This policy lasts even if the market interests fall, this is a perfect tax-free gift.
- In this policy, risk cover continues for lifetime to the extent of sum assured + loyalty perks and additions
- The best part is this policy kept on paying your daughter even after her marriage. Every year till lifetime.
Illustration: Here is an example to make the point more clear
Let us suppose
- Father’s age: 30 years
- Daughter’s age: 1 year
- SA: Rs 7,50,000
- Term 20/20 without any rider
Benefit: If the father saves Rs 100 each day continuously for 20 years, the child will get back Rs 7,20,000. After this Rs 41,250 are guaranteed for lifetime up to the age of hundred.
Or you can say, if you save Rs.60 daily for 25 years (Rs.1844 per month of premium), you can get maturity amount of Rs.13.50 lacs (while you just invested Rs.4,68,375 in 25 years).What if you save Rs 10000 per day for your girl?
The benefits after 15 years will be as follows:
Education Fees Benefit: The child will get 50 lacs per year once she completes 16 years of age. This benefit will be paid till the girl will turn 26 years old. (Total 10 installments).
Pension Plan: The child gets lifetime pension benefit of 45000 per month once she completes 26 years. The whole-life insurance cover of Rs 1 crore is an addition
LIC Kanyadan Plan Details in deep. Even though LIC Kanyadan Plan is for girl child but premium paying parent does all the paperwork under his/her name.
In addition, LIC Kanyadaan Scheme Specially Designed For Daughter Marriage.
Premium Waived Off Upon Father’s Demise.
– Immediate 10 Lakh On Accidental Demise.
– Else Immediate 5 Lakh On Non-Accidental Demise.
– Moreover, 50,000 Every Year Till Maturity Year.
– As well as Maturity Amount On Maturity Year.
Not to mention, Kanyadan Plan is the only plan among all insurance sector companies. Not only it offers financial help at the time of girl child’s marriage but also helps in the event of parent demise. It offers almost 4 times of Sum Assured in the event of parent demise . Hence LIC Kanyadan Plan is one of the outstanding plan among others. This plan also known as LIC Kanyadaan Scheme or LIC Kanyadan Scheme.
Further Life Insurance Corporation of India is an Indian government owned insurance company. Beside it’s a investment company too. Moreover, it’s headquarter is in Mumbai. It is very important to know that it’s the largest insurance company in India. It’s estimated asset values about INR 1,560,482. Over 245 insurance companies and provident societies merged to create Life Insurance Corporation.
What is Sukanya Samriddhi Yojna? All you need to know: Click Here
कन्यादान पालिसी डिटेल्स हिंदी
कन्यादान पालिसी डिटेल्स:
एलआईसी कन्यादान पालिसी एक अनूठी योजना जो आपकी बेटी की शिक्षा और शादी के वित्त पोषण के लिए अपनी प्यारी बेटी के लिए आदर्श वित्तीय उपहार है।
इसके अलावा एलआईसी कन्यादान पालिसी एक बाल भविष्य योजना है जिसमें यह लड़की को बहुत लाभ मिलता है। नीचे अनुभाग में पूर्ण विवरण ढूंढें!
एलआईसी कन्यादान पालिसी डिटेल्स (एलआईसी बच्चों की पालिसी)
यद्यपि एलआईसी कन्यादान पालिसी लड़की के लिए है लेकिन प्रीमियम भुगतान करने वाले माता-पिता उसके नाम के तहत सभी कागजी कार्रवाई करते हैं।
इसके अलावा, एलआईसी कन्यादान प्लान विशेष रूप से बेटी विवाह के लिए तैयार की गई है।
पिता की मृत्यु पर प्रीमियम छूट दी गई है:
– आकस्मिक मृत्यु पर तत्काल 10 लाख
– या 5 लाख गैर-दुर्घटना में मृत्यु पर
– इसके अलावा, 50,000 हर साल परिपक्वता वर्ष तक
– परिपक्वता वर्ष पर परिपक्वता राशि के साथ
नोट: अनिवासी भारतीय या पीआईओ, सीधे अपने वर्तमान देश से किसी भी एलआईसी पालिसी का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं।
🔹एलआईसी कन्यादान पालिसी डिटेल्स उदाहरण🔹
▶दैनिक बचत:
60 रुपये-74 रुपये
▶वार्षिक प्रीमियम:
▶मासिक प्रीमियम:
▶प्रीमियम अवधि:
22 वर्ष-18 वर्ष
▶परिपक्वता वर्ष:
▶कुल निवेश:
13.50 लाख-10.75 लाख
🔹एलआईसी कन्यादान प्रीमियम🔹
▪यह चाइल्ड इंश्योरेंस पालिसी सभी बीमा क्षेत्र की कंपनियों में एलआईसी की एकमात्र योजना है! जो न केवल लड़की की शादी के समय वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करता है बल्कि माता-पिता की मौत के मामले में लगभग 4 गुना बीमा राशि देकर भी बड़ी मदद करता है ।
▪जैसा कि हम सभी जानते हैं, भारत का जीवन बीमा निगम एक भारतीय राज्य-स्वामित्व वाली बीमा समूह और निवेश कंपनी है। इसके अलावा, मुख्यालय मुम्बई में है। यह जानना महत्वपूर्ण है कि यह 1,560,482 रुपये के अनुमानित परिसंपत्ति मूल्य के साथ भारत में सबसे बड़ी बीमा कंपनी है। जीवन बीमा निगम बनाने के लिए 245 से अधिक बीमा कंपनियां और प्रोविडेंट सोसायटी विलय कर दी गईं।
▶▶For More Detail:
Contact To Your Nearest LIC Agent Or LIC Office